Match Making Expert Astrologer

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Pankaj Guruji provides the Best Matchmaking Services and love/marriage astrology suggestions by giving consultation directly. It is the flawless matchmaking astrology solution provider in India. Matchmaking services are also called as Kundli matching service and it is widely used in India.

For marriage prospectus
A marriage can be successful and happy if two people are very-well suited to each other as per their Kundli. We have the perfect solution. We match the doshas and gunas of the girl and the boy. Based on that he make a statement that whether they both are harmonious with each other or not. Being the top matchmaker, we feel satisfied and privileged with our work as we have given many reason to smile.


Matchmaking: A Stepping to the brighter future
Vedic Astrology is an excellent method of matching based on Nakshatras. Matchmaking astrology involves the marriage stuff but is also used to know the compatibility between any boy and girl. Pankaj Guruji deliverhis services in the whole India and make Indians stepping towards the brighter future.He is providing services and solutions related to health, finance, marriage, education, child, Carrier, foreign trip etc.

Kundali matching or Kundli Milan by Pankaj Guruji 
Marriage is one of the 16 religious conducts/rites. They are crucial turning points in a person’s life and are respected. Kundli matching is horoscope matching of couple before marriage. Dashtakoot and Ashtakoot and are majorly followed matching systems in the Vedic Astrology. It influences stars on marital life and remedial measures are required to be taken in case of any inauspicious yogas.

Why Kundli Matching?
Marriage matchmaking has assumed a greater importance with changing radical modifications and socio-economic conditions in the status and role of women. Besides comparing the cultural, educational, and professional backgrounds, the future bride/groom and parents are interested in assuring whether the married life will be happy and harmonious. Kundali matching and Kundli milan is a vedic astrology that is equivalent of horoscope matching for marriage. In hindu societies in arranged marriages, kundali matching is the most important factor that is taken into consideration while moving ahead with the marriage proposal. Matching kundalis will let them know how stars affect their marriage and what remedial measures are required to be taken to ensure eternal marital bliss. For kundali matching, you are required to tell birth details of boy and girl. You can consult Pankaj Guruji for the Kundali matching or Kundli Milan remedies.

Kundli Matching or Kundli Milan suggestions by Pankaj Guruji
Marriage is a turning point in lives of people and families. This is a beautiful relationship that ties two souls. It is a new beginning; a beginning for which every woman and man waits after they enter in an age where they feel ready for the commitment. We often look at various rituals before Hindu marriage takes place. Many families before deciding to get children married match the detailed birth charts to see whether stars are compatible or not. So what does this Kundli matching mean? What does it say? Is it really important?

Kundli Matching Process
As a matter of fact, qualities in the horoscope are matched, hence called as ‘Gun Milan’. The total number of attributes matched in horoscope is 36. If 18 out of 36 properties gets matched then the marriage is permitted by astrologers.

Mangal Dosh and Kundli matching
If the properties are matched in the ‘Kundli Milan’, the better the marital life will be and good. Nevertheless, if there are Dosh in the Kundli then they have to address it and take the right steps as necessary. If the marriage is completed by ignoring these defects, then according to astrological belief, there will be discord in the marriage. The significantly important thing in ‘Kundli Milan’ is that there is no ‘Manglik ‘flaw in the horoscope of the caste. For that reason, if there is a demand in the horoscope, it is considered appropriate to get married from a person who is suffering from ‘Mangal Dosh’.

Is Kundli matching only for marriage?
The ‘Kundli ke Milan’ is an analysis done for finding the compatibility of two individuals, then it can be done for analyzing the compatibility of life partners or even business partners. It is a very complicated analysis in Vedic astrology and only expert astrologers who have in-depth knowledge in the subject will be able to do it.

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